Thursday, July 12, 2012

Being authentic in fashion

Fallowing fashion doesn't mean you have to be like the person in the magazine or TV. And I think it is not cool if you following other people style. Every person has their own identity, personality and body type which can translated on their own fashion style. Yes if you want to be fashion forward, you have to know about up to date fashion and the newest trend, but it is all about how you corporate it into your own interpretation of style. I think being fashionable or stylist is about making your own fashion statement and styling through your personality. So while you follow fashion, you keep being who you are, be authentic and true to yourself!

This is the reason that encourages me to style different people with different type of personality and body type. Since I've started my project, one of my biggest challenged was to style Laurence Castaigne. She is 18 years old student from Belgium. She is very smart and talented girl. She loves sports (tennis, field hockey, football) and drawing. Her drawings are so amazing!! She doesn't really care about fashion and how she dressed as long as it is comfortable for her. She has a boyish looks and she only wear short with t-shirt and sneakers or flip flop every day during the summer. She thinks she is very skinny and always has a hard time to find clothes that fit her well. But it's not true!! Being healthy and skinny is a good thing as you can wear almost anything you want. With the right size and right proportion, you will look fabulous.

I am so happy and grateful that finally she agreed to be styled by me. So I worked on her boyish looks and stick with her personal style. I gave her outfits that she loves to wear and added more colors on it. A red short with denim shirt and a sky blue belt that match her ballerina shoes. For different look, I added an off white with heart motive cardigan on the top of her denim shirt that matches the color with her boyish flat. She looks so stylist!!!

Balerinas: Zara, short pants: Zara, belt: Mango, denim shirt: Lefties, sun glasses: Vintage

Shoes: H&M, short pants: Zara, belt: Mango, denim shirt: Lefties, cardigan: Mango

Model: Laurence Castaigne
Photographer: Xiao Zhang
Fashion Stylist: Yoanita Tahalele

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